How to Turn Off Auto Capitalization on Android in 2024: Easy Steps Guide

Auto-capitalization can be a helpful feature for many users, but for those who prefer a more personalised typing experience, turning it off on Android devices is a straightforward process. Whether you find auto-capitalization bothersome or want more control over your typing style, this blog will guide you on how to turn off auto capitalization on Android

How to Turn Off Auto-Capitalization on Android: Step-by-Step

1. Access Keyboard Settings:

  • Open the Settings app on your Android device. A gear icon usually represents this.
  • Scroll down and find the “System” section, or look for “Language & Input” or a similar option depending on your device.

2. Select Language & Input:

  • Tap on “Language & Input” or a similar option.
  • Look for the keyboard settings. This may vary depending on the device and the keyboard app you are using.

3. Choose your keyboard:

If you use the default keyboard app, you may see options like “On-screen keyboard” or “virtual keyboard.” Tap on it.

4. Keyboard Settings:

Select the keyboard you are using. This might be Google Keyboard (Gboard), Samsung Keyboard, or another third-party keyboard app.

5. Text Correction Settings:

Once you’ve selected your keyboard, find the “Text Correction” or “Autocorrect” section.

6. Disable auto-capitalization:

Look for the option related to auto-capitalization. Depending on the keyboard app, it may be named differently, but it should be something like “auto-capitalization” or “auto-correction.”

7. Toggle Off:

Toggle the switch or slider next to auto-capitalization to the off position. This usually involves tapping the switch until it turns grey or moving a slider to the off position.

8. Save Changes:

After turning off auto-capitalization, navigate to the main settings menu or press the back button until you exit the keyboard settings.

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Why disable Android auto-capitalization?

Some people prefer manual typing or find auto-capitalization bothersome. Disabling this feature lets you type more selectively.

Will all Android devices have the same auto-capitalization disablement steps?

The methods in the guide apply to many Android devices; however,, your device’s manufacturer and keyboard app may vary.

Has any keyboard app disabled auto-capitalization?

The instructions apply to keyboard programs like Gboard and third-party ones. However, setting phrasing and location may vary.

How do I access Android keyboard settings?

Enter the “System” or “Language & Input” section of the Settings app and select the on-screen or virtual keyboard. Select your keyboard and find the text correction or autocorrect settings.

Will disabling auto-capitalization affect other auto-correct features?

Turning off auto-capitalization disables sentence-beginning capitalization. If enabled, other autocorrect functions, like spelling correction, will continue.

Can I switch to auto-capitalization easily?

Resetting the keyboard settings and toggling the option reenables auto-capitalization.

Do these instructions work for third-party keyboards?

Yes, these methods work for third-party keyboards. The keyboard app you choose may change the settings’ placement and wording.

Will deactivate auto-capitalization affect other Google-linked devices?

Changes to Android auto-capitalization settings only apply to that device. Multiple devices do not immediately sync settings.


You can stop your Android device from automatically capitalizing words by following these steps. Remember that the exact steps may differ depending on who made your device and the keyboard app you’re using. To turn on auto-capitalization again, go back to the keyboard settings and flip the switch back on. Changing your device to make it work better for you improves your general user experience. Have fun with your newfound keyboard power on your Android!

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